We occasionally receive random emails from talent encouraging us to establish a private escorts relationship with a ” Escorts localxlist ” for a particular male talent.
The problem they have is not what will be asked, but what will happen if they refuse the job. Pressure is applied, which leads to harassment

You have the right not to be associated with a escorts Just because an escorts woman runs a southeast ia doesn’t mean she also runs an escort.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see anything wrong with not having one-on-one or private conversations. However, you should choose it for a women for man. And even if the escorts is offering a Escorts localxlist service, the escorts has the right to say “no” if the client wishes. Who do you think is trying to pressure an escorts ger to do something she doesn’t want to do? When a escorts girl says no, no means no. Let’s drop the topic and move on. It’s not cool to pick yourself up and stop using someone for your gain. Consider this post your only warning. If you try to force or trick a escorts star into having sex with free escorts you not only become an idiot, you become a participant in the crime.
If I hear this story again, I’ll start naming names.
That’s not up for debate. This is not an invitation to further discuss the issue. “No” really means “no.” I’m serious. Consider this your very last warning. Stop harassing escorts If an escorts says “I’m not interested” on a , don’t ask questions or pressure them.
If you have the opportunity to investigate further, it may be wise to do so. There was, a Escorts sites who used cameras inside the room to “legitimize” performers and (essentially) make them privately record themselves. Several articles explain this, but there are far too many on the Internet to link here. If the “Malibu escorts agent” is he is a former executive at Miramax, Disney, and Amgen, and has been known for this type of activity in the past, so it would be quite a journalistic coup. It will be. Also had ties to Los Angeles County (unless he lived there), with Malibu located on the northern border of Los Angeles and Ventura counties. We hope this is another weirdo operating under the same name, but if someone who lives in the area and is trusted by the artists involved is the same person from the 2013 Annular scandal, it could be potential could blow this into the stratosphere. Here is a link to a 2013 article in the Daily Mail (a major UK newspaper about the scandal.
I should have been more clearAccording to the Daily Mail, some or all of the 2013 home videos and fake escorts were filmed at the Malibu property, and at least those people knew they belonged to This sets off alarm bells in my mind about Malibu’s Escorts localxlist that this needs more journalistic investigation.
mharris128 Many male actors have Richard train their talent on their backs or all fours on the couch. Most guys use clever approaches, while others are just looking for a way to make money.
But Chad White takes this to a whole new level by testing the waters using blunt force tactics to get paid. This article seems to be created and reserved just for him. Introducing the next Trinity St. Clair, good ol’ youth Chad He’s ready and ready with his ass butter and not-so-fresh strap-on. Search for “Chad White Gay Escorts ” on Google.